Grafton Public Library


Unattended Children

For the safety of our youngest patrons, Library visitors must comply with the Library’s Unattended Child Policy:

0-7 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian at all times;
8-12 must be accompanied by parent/guardian who remains in the Library;
13+ may be unaccompanied, provided child is able to use Library independently and follow the Library’s Code of Conduct;
Children under age 13 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian over the age of 14.

Code of Conduct

While visiting the Library, please respect yourself, respect each other, and respect the space.

Program Policy

Please be mindful when registering for programs. If you can no longer attend a program, please alert staff so we can give your spot to someone on the waiting list.

In winter months:

If school is cancelled, Library programs are cancelled.

If school is delayed, morning programs are cancelled and afternoon programs may be cancelled; please check our website for more information.

If school is released early due to weather conditions, afternoon programs are cancelled.

If the municipal center cancels evening programs and meetings, Library programs are cancelled.

All Library policies can be found here.

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