Grafton Public Library


The Library accepts monetary gifts year-round, and has long-term giving and bequest options for benefactors.

Donate Money

The Library is pleased to accept donations and gifts year round. We prefer unrestricted funds so we can adapt spending as needs arise. Gift donations might be used to purchase books and materials, furniture, new museum passes, new collections, new databases, programs, and incentives and marketing materials to promote the Library.

Money donated at the Library goes to the Town of Grafton for administration and is placed in a Library “Gifts” account for Library use. Please make your check payable to The Grafton Public Library.

Money donated to the Friends goes directly to the Friends and is dispersed at their discretion.

Money donated to the Capital Campaign fund and is reserved for Library expansion and renovation and capital projects ranging from carpeting to furniture to computers.

Please mail checks to:
Grafton Public Library
PO BOX 387

Please specify where to apply your gift in the Memo field.

Friends of the Grafton Public Library

Join the Friends of the Grafton Public Library. Membership starts at just $5 / year, and all proceeds benefit the Library. You can also donate directly through PayPal.

Capital Campaign

Please donate to the Grafton Public Library Capital Campaign to defray capital expenses including but not limited to Library construction and renovation, building maintenance and upkeep, furniture, fixtures and equipment.

Donate Time: Volunteer!

The Library seeks volunteers to assist with day-to-day operations. Volunteers deliver books to the homebound, unpack delivery boxes, shelve, dust, weed, shred and work on other projects. Please check our volunteer page for more information.

Donate Materials: Amazon Wish List

Visit our Amazon Wish List and choose from a list of items the Library has a need for; purchase and it will ship right to us!

Current needs: Items for the new Library!

Donate Book Sale Items

The Friends of the Grafton Public Library will be accepting donations of books and media in saleable condition just prior to their next book sale. Please do not drop off book sale items until it is announced when the donation period will begin. Please refer to the Friends’ website for dates and information about their book sales. Donations will be accepted in the weeks leading up to each event.

Please note we can only accept donations in good, saleable condition. We cannot sell items that are yellowed or aged, brittle, damaged, written in, moldy, wet, or smelly. We do not accept textbooks, magazines, toys, games, puzzles, clothing, records, or VHS or cassette tape. Please do not put donations in the Library Book Return; please do not return library materials in the Friends donation bins.

Birthday Club: Donations in Celebration, Honor, or Memory of a Loved One

Need a great gift idea? Why not work with us to pick out a special interest title or favorite author or genre, then place a book plate in a loved one’s name? This is a lovely in lieu of gifts option for birthdays, anniversaries, remembrances, or other gift-giving occasions.

Birthday Club Donation Form

In Honor of / In Memory of Donation Form

Wills and Bequests

Please speak with the Library Director to discuss long term giving, gift accounts in a loved one’s memory, or bequests.

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