Grafton Public Library


Vote on Teen Patio Gaming Tables!

Image with 4 gaming table choices: Checkers and Chess, Chinese Checkers, Backgammon, Dominoes

New Teen Room Rules and Procedure

Teen Room Rules

  • Earbuds or headphones must be used. No sound coming from electronic devices.
  • Respectful language only. No profanity, disrespectful, or unsafe language.
  • Remain in the Teen Room. No in and out.
  • Noise must be kept at a conversational level.
  • Clean up your area before leaving, throwing trash away.

Three Strikes

  1. Verbal warning/strike
  2. Repeated warning — may be non-verbal
  3. You will be asked to leave library property within 2 minutes*

*Groups may be asked to leave if individual members of the group are not following the rules.

When You Can Return

If you are asked to leave for a minor violation, you may return the next day with a clean slate.

Repeated violations may result in a longer suspension from the library.

Immediate Removal

You will be asked to leave IMMEDIATELY if any of the following occurs:

  • Picking up, hitting, kicking, chasing another person or taking another person’s property
  • Entering a staff area, cabinets, or drawers without permission; misuse of supplies
  • Unsafe or destructive behaviors such as vandalism or damage to equipment, furniture, walls, or other library property
  • Disrespect to library staff

When You Can Return

If you are asked to leave immediately for unsafe or disrespectful behavior, you may return:

  • 1st removal — the next day
  • 2nd removal — one week
  • 3rd removal — one month

A meeting with the Library Director or manager, and/or a parent meeting may be required to return.

If you return and are on Library property, the Grafton Police Department will be notified and you will be served with a No Trespass Order.

Teen Room Behavior Contract

Beginning 10/11/22, all teens requesting use of the teen room will be asked to sign the Teen Room Behavior Contract, which outlines the rules of the Teen Room and consequences for not following them. This will only need to be completed once and a note will be added on your library card account.

Unattended Child Policy

Please note that all tweens and teens must also comply with the Library’s Unattended Child Policy:

  • 0-7 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian at all times;
  • 8-12 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian remaining in the Library;
  • 13+ may be unaccompanied, provided child is able to use Library independently and follow the Library’s Code of Conduct.


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Please see our online calendar of events.



Online streaming access – no wait! – for over 20,000 comics for kids, teens and adults, including TokyoPop!





driving test database logo

Practice Exams: MA Driver’s Test

14 car practice tests, 9 motorcycle practice tests, 27 CDL (commercial driver’s license) practice tests, 3 online driver’s manuals (car, motorcycle, CDL) and an FAQ section with detailed answers to over 100 questions.




Check out these online and digital databases for homework help, special projects, or to find a good book! Or, view a list of resources for teen home, work, and school life!

tutor logo offers homework help, essay editing, and resume building for students in K-12 from 9am-9pm! Enter your Library card # to access.


Pronounciator logoPronunciator is online language learning software. Brush up on Latin vocabulary, conversational French, Spanish for travelers, and more! Over 80 languages in English and your native tongue, free! Enter your Library card # and PIN to access.


Encyclopedia Britannica


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