Grafton Public Library

Educator Information

Welcome, educators! We are so excited to serve you and your students. Please don’t hesitate to let us know how we can help.


Scholastic Teachables is a digital collection of worksheets, lesson plans, learning games, and more for grades Pre-K to 8! Formerly known as Scholastic Printables, Teachables offers printable activities for any subject: math, science, reading comprehension, STEM, writing, and beyond. Download printable lesson plans, reading passages, games and puzzles, clip art, bulletin board ideas, and skills sheets for kids in any grade.

Search by topic, browse a list of subject, click Family Hub for resources by grade, or enjoy the featured seasonal and relevant collections on topics like fall, Halloween, and voting!

Log on to Teachables from home, work or school with your Grafton Public Library card number (14-digit barcode) and PIN! Not sure of your PIN or need to reset it? Call 508-839-4649 between 10am-4pm, Mon-Sat for a reset!


Tell us what your class is working on and how we can help with classroom collections, displays or reserves at the Library, online LibGuides to resources, Pinterest booklists, and more!

  • Call 508-839-4649 x 1812 to alert Library staff about an upcoming assignment
  • Email to alert Sarah about an upcoming assignment


We’d love to send our staff to your school for Library Card Drive, classroom visits and booktalking, summer reading program promotion, database lessons and more!

  • Call 508-839-4649 x 1812 to request a visit from a Library Staff Member
  • Email to alert Sarah about an upcoming assignment


We’d love to show you the resources in the Children’s Room. A tour may be a general Library orientation or focus on a specific topic or upcoming assignment.


These databases can be accessed from anywhere in MA, no login required:

Britannica Public Library for Kids


Encyclopedia Britannica’s Children’s Public Library and Elementary School interfaces offer guided searching on topics like animals and geography, and contains multimedia and articles at a K-4 grade level, while the Middle School interface for grades 5-8 has keyword searching and how-to help on writing research papers, book reviews, science reports and presentations.

Pebble Go logo

Pebble Go is a supplementary database for grades K-2 – we have access to their animal and biography databases.



These databases can only be accessed with your Grafton Library card

Pronounciator logoPronounciator is an online language-learning system that can help you learn languages like Spanish, French, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, German, Mandarin Chinese, Greek, Italian and more.


Scholastic Teachables  is a collection of digital materials — activities, worksheets, mini-books — for Pre-K to grade 8 students.






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