Grafton Public Library

Home Delivery

The Grafton Public Library provides Home Delivery service to Grafton residents who are not able to get to the library because of illness or disability.

We provide weekly delivery of library materials on a permanent or short-term basis.
All library materials are available to borrow — books, magazines, movies, music CDs, and books on CD. If the title or author you want is not available at the Grafton Public Library, we can request it for you from another library.

You can choose your own material, or let us know what you like and we will make selections for you.

How it works:

  • Fill out a Home Delivery Request Form
  • We will contact you on Monday by phone or email to find out what you would like to receive.
  • Our volunteer will deliver the material to you on Tuesday afternoon and pick up anything ready to be returned to the library.
  • Tell us how we’re doing! Complete a Home Delivery Survey.

To learn more about the program, or to arrange for the service, please contact:

Sandhya Shenoy
508-839-4649 ext 1829

We look forward to hearing from you!

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