Grafton Public Library

Business Resources

Library Collections

330 Economics

333 Licensing Exams

343 Taxes

344 Labor Law

346.73 Patents

368 Insurance

380-381 Commerce

382 International Commerce

395 Etiquette

400 Languages

650 Management & Public Relations

652 Communication

657 Accounting

658 Management

658.8 Marketing

670 Manufacturing

973 US History


Library Databases

Gale OneFile: Business
Search by topic, subject, or publication

Gale Business: Entrepeneurship
Resources to plan, fund, start and manage your own business.

Gale Economics Resources

Gale Economics Theory Resources

Gale Marketing Resources

Local Resources

Blackstone Valley Chamber of Commerce

Grafton Business Directory
Opt-in database. Search alphabetically or by type of business.

Grafton Economic Development Commission
Whether you are looking to expand your business or open a new one EDC is here to help you. The EDC promotes and facilitates economic development and enriches the quality of life by advancing Grafton’s commercial, retail and industrial base.

Shop Grafton
Annual incentive campaign to promote Grafton businesses with a punch/stamp card drawing

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